(Annisa) 4 : 53
أَمْ لَهُمْ نَصِيبٌ مِنَ الْمُلْكِ فَإِذًا لَا يُؤْتُونَ النَّاسَ نَقِيرًا

Or have they any share in the kingship? If so they will not give a speck to mankind.

Today, these questions apply only to the Arabic Quran reading Fujjar who hide and reject Adhikr (the Best Interpretation of Lord's Book). Just like Jews didn't get the kingship of the world, the Fujjar will not get the kingship. 

By the proclamation of Caliph Mahdi, the believers from mankind all around the world will be separated into Hejaz as explained in verse 9: 28. Then Fujjar by following twenty-nine pseudo-prophets are welcoming the Antichrist will be expelled and banished from Hejaz. Then by the coming of Antichrist, they will accept him as a prophet at first for providing food and water, and later accept him as a lord for providing cloned copies of desired males and females for fulfilling the wild sexual pleasures. By the second coming of Jesus and killing Antichrist, the Fujjar will be killed by the other people belonging to Messenger's community. Thus the command of verses 4: 91; 5: 33; 9: 5, 123, and 33: 60-61 will be implemented. See explanation 2: 174-176; 3: 26-27 and 17: 100.